Spoleto USA, Garden Conservancy Open Days Tour

Our garden here in Charleston was featured on the Garden Conservancy's Open Days tour Saturday the 25th of May.  We're honored to be a part of this day and want to thank the Charleston Horticulture Society and especially Susan Epstein for helping launch this event here in Charleston.
Over 500 tickets were sold and the event was a huge success!  Below is the description that was published through the Garden Conservancy's website, and in their publications announcing the tour.  Also check out their website here, http://www.gardenconservancy.org/  for more info about the organization.

Garden of Beth Lovett & David Stickel

A garden in constant evolution…not unlike most. Garden construction began in 2005, and since then, the only elements left unchanged are the live oaks that shade the entire property. A strong emphasis is placed on foliar and textural impact and less on flowers and colors.   Also, no attempt has been made to create a "collections" garden that would stress taxonomic diversity; rather the goal has been to use common species more creatively.

Much like in music where a simple and bold idea is all that is needed to stir the imagination, this garden relishes simplicity and bold ideas.   The space is meant to be used as a peaceful and restful escape. You will find a bit of Japanese influence in the use of natural stone, drifts of dwarf grasses, and the creative use of bamboo. Other featured elements are the vegetable garden, the adjacent pottery studio, and the chicken coup.


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