The Newman Japanese Garden, Mt Pleasant, SC

The dry landscape garden with clump bamboo in the background
Boulders being delivered; 2 of them were over 1,500 lbs.

Painting out the dry landscape garden and building berms

Path outline

Finishing off one of the primary paths

Setting one of the larger boulders with Dale's help

The stone arrangement at the head of the dry river bed
Sebas and Gustavo unstrapping boulder #2

Shaping berms along the dry river bed with the Kotoji lantern visible

The workspace

Roof tiles from Osaka that we used as a bed edge for the dry landscape garden
Kotoji lantern with the zig-zag bridge behind it

The tsukubai at the entrance to the zig-zag bridge
The tsukubai in the courtyard garden with an Oribe lantern

Some nice fall color on the maples... Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood' and A. palmatum 'Glowing Embers'

The zig-zag bridge.... 7' x 2' bluestone slabs with a hammered edge

Almost ready to add gravel to the dry landscape garden

Setting each stone by hand in the dry river bed


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